Jeffrey Dahmer Apartment Location:
Jeffrey Dahmer’s apartment is located at Apt-213 at 924 North 25th Street, Milwaukee, WI.
What happened to his apartment you can take a virtual tour here on Street Views on Google Maps.
The contents of Jeffrey Dahmer’s fridge:
The refrigerator was clean and condiments lined up in the door. On July 22nd, 1991, when a police officer opened the door and shocked. He saw four severed heads in the bottom of the fridge. Police Officers collect two human hearts from the refrigerator.
“I entered the apartment and opened the door and I saw a human head in a small cardboard box bottom of the refrigerator. I was 31 years old young man with two years of experience and I saw something like that just understanding what I would take to another person. It was a shock!”
–Retired Milwaukee Detective Michael Dubis
What was in Dahmer’s fridge?
Dahmer’s fridge contained jars that were not filled with body parts; police said they also found pickles, Dijon mustard, and applesauce. A chunk of arm mustard baking Soda in the fridge. Ketchup A1 Sauce, a lot of Ketchup! In the bottom, a pan is set to catch any bloody drips.
Read more: Was Jeffrey Dahmer possessed?
In his freezer was an entire human torso in a bag filled with organs and flesh. After the trial, there was talk of auctioning off his household goods in giving the funds to the families of his victims.
What Happened to Dahmer`s Victims’ Body Parts:
Instead, a group of civic-minded Milwaukee businesspeople raised money to buy the contents of the apartment and to have them destroyed. They didn`t want the auction in further publicity to be a blight on their city.
On June 28th, 1996 a truckload of Dahmer`s possessions were destroyed. Two years before that on November 28th, 1994 Jeffrey Dahmer had been killed by a fellow inmate at the Columbia Correctional Institute in Portage Wisconsin.